Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursdays Weigh in 293.7

Yeah four lbs this week. Not bad. I have 2 more lbs and i am at amy's pre operation weight. At that time i was 275lbsish. I just want to get to 270 so i can get my own insurance, which would be really nice. Follow up next week with you guys. Yeah i am getting there!


  1. Amanda you are doing an AMAZING job!!!! you are truly an inspiration to us all :) I am so proud of you!!!! Great job :) :) :)

  2. great job hun keep it up you will be there in no time

  3. Well done Amanda! You really have made a life change. I'm so proud of you. The best part is you've done it the right way by changing your behavior! Not a small task and you're succeeding! I don't know if I ever told you this but my favorite teacher from 9th grade, Mrs. Austed had the gastric bi-pass surgery the year I was in 10th grade. Sadly she passed away during the surgery & left behind children younger then I. I'm so proud of you that you have made the necessary changes in your life so that not only can you live but you can live and be healthy without any scary surgery. Well done, well done! You're doing great. Oh, one more thing. I was looking at you today at work while you were talking to Ash. I noticed that you don't have a double chin!! You don't even have a wanna be double chin! Fab!!
